The Unofficial ChatSpace Portal
Reporting Abuse
Report abuse on the Chat Rooms

We cannot be everywhere at once, if you've been to the help room and couldn't get a response use the email forms below to contact the chat server owners directly. We have two different report abuse forms, form on the left is for reporting serious offences by chat room users. The form on the right is for reporting chat room moderators that might of abused their position for personal benifit. Please be as detailed as possible and fill in all the fields correctly.

Reporting false complaints will result in you being banned from the chat and websites

Report Users

This form is for reporting chat room users who are abusing the chat rooms.

Your Chat Nickname:


Time/Date of offense:


Nicknames (If multiple seperate with comma):

Chatroom offense took place:

Explain the incident in full:

Report Moderators

Use this form if you think a chat room moderator has treated you unfairly.

Your Chat Nickname:


Time/Date of offense:


Moderator Nicknames (If multiple seperate with comma):

Chatroom offense took place:

Explain the incident in full: