All of our chat rooms are moderated for the protection of the users, we rely on human and mIRC to keep the rules of our channels enforced. We cannot be everywhere at once and urge our members to report incidents in the #Help chat room. Please do not private message the moderators with complaints or problems use the #Help room.
We have to log all our of private conversations on the chat server due to our agreement with CEOP and the Virtual Global Taskforce. These are online child protection organizations and sadly yes, we do find offenders in our chat rooms, but at least you have the knowledge of knowing we actually do something about it rather than just ban the offender from our rooms and send them packing to the next chat site down the google search engine list. We are registered with these organizations for 'Industry Reporting' and send emails in bulk weekly. Administrators will only look into P2P transcripts when a complaint has been made. No P2P transcripts will ever be made public, but for the people who are abusing our chat rooms, im sure jurors will be reading through the offenders transcripts sometime in the future.
These rules apply to all of our chat rooms. Do not flood the chat rooms with your text or repeat the same messages. Do not excessively abuse other members in the chat. Do not post emails in the chat rooms. Do not give out personal information that can identify you as an individual (School, Address, Phone number) you will be banned for this.
The admin are very strict on posting weblinks in the chat rooms, it is an instant permanent ban for anyone who is posting an external weblink for the purpose of directing users from the chat rooms elsewhere. However, if it was a myspace link, youtube or any sort of online profile then the user will be warned first and then banned if they continue to post links.
©2008 Stelivo, Inc. All rights reserved. Oliver Cozzi